Multilingual Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing (DTP) is the technical assembly of digital files in the proper format for printing or for electronic distribution. Amatista can assist you in all aspects of multilingual desktop publishing. Our highly competitive translation services ensure that you can get cost effective translations in all major languages and have them returned very quickly, including DTP services if required.

Translating words from English into other languages can increase the volume of text from 5 to 30% more than the source text, moving any graphics, illustrations and designs out of position. Our desktop publishers focus on the visual aspects of a document such as page layout, format, design styles, font types, and colours. Whether it is a brochure, manual, or annual report, Amatista’s desktop publisher has the tools and the “know-how” to publish your materials creatively and effectively, incorporating the target language exactly into the same layout as the source language file and creating a “print-ready” document when required.

Electronic files can be provided in the majority of file formats and desktop publishing software applications including:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • QuarkXpress